Saturday, December 12, 2015


Merry Trek-mas!

Your chance to purchase a hard copy of the Far Trek rules starts now! 

This will be available for a LIMITED TIME ONLY! I make absolutely NO PROFIT from your purchase.

...and now it gets even better--use the Lulu code LULURC and get 25% off + FREE SHIPPING!! This code may not work in every country/region so I apologize in advance if it does not work for you.  This code expires 12/13!!

Since you are at Lulu, you can checkout and buy my other games Heroes & Other Worlds or Rogue Space while you are there with this incredible discount offer!

If you like Far Trek and saved some coin on this special deal, consider buying a thirsty fellow gamer a beer won't you?

Drinking a beer at home means I might be able to get another adventure for Far Trek done!

My wife and I wish you and yours every happiness this holiday season--keep on Trekking!


  1. If you've run any Far Trek games lately (or if any readers of the blog have) I'd love to read something about them!

    1. Have not had much chance to do more than work lately--hoping to game during the holiday!

  2. I just had to pick this up........)

  3. Any chance you can make it so it ships from outside the US too? Shipping to the UK is really pricey!

    1. I don't have any control over Lulu's shipping policies/preferences--sorry! The PDF is a free so perhaps you can download it and have it printed locally?

    2. Ah, OK! I've bought so much RPG stuff from Lulu and never had that message before. Is there a pdf with the cover available (either version?) If not I'll knock one up myself - just won't look as cool as yours. Thanks so much for making the game available!

  4. Sweet - bought three copies and one of your Rogue Space game as well. Added another book i wanted and with the coupon only come to $40NZ...

    Enjoy the beer I sent you...

    1. Thanks very much for the support and the holiday brews! Appreciate both greatly!!

  5. Where is the link for beer purchase? (I'm in the mobile site right now, maybe it's not available in this view?)

    1. Thanks Neal--it is a donate button-top right of the blog just under the blog header pciture, much appreciated!

  6. Nabbed five copies this time around. Thanks!
